Studies indicate that 81% of I/DD Adults over 18 years of age do not have a paid job.*
Of the 19% that do:
35%- receive individual support
36% - have a competitive job
29% - are in a group support job
Jobs fall into these categories
Material Handling/Mail Distribution- 5%
General Office - 5%
Assembly Manufacturing - 10%
Retail sales/stocking- 16%
Food Preparation/Service- 21%
Building /Grounds/Maintenance- 30%
Other- 13%

Identify existing resources and programs within San Diego County and develop relationships with these organizations
Become a Resource Center for parents to identify organizations to assist with possible career paths for their children
Create community awareness of the foundation as a Job Resource Center with outreach to schools, service clubs, and business groups.
Alliance has been formed with the Poway Unified School District to offer assistance with its business internship program for Special Needs students.
Assist with opening of a culinary, sanitation, Farm to Education Cafe on grounds of Poway Unified School district to provide training and jobs for adults with Special Needs.